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Friday, January 15, 2010

From the beginning

I'm a bit lost as to where to start, though I know I want to and need to blog. I guess I'll start with some background and see where it takes me. I'm 29, turning the big 30 this May. I've been married for 9 years this June and together we have three beautiful daughters. Olivia will be 8 in March, Natalie is 4 and Shawna is currently 3 months old. We live in Georgia, though not all of us are happy about it. Mark loves it here. I would love to move back to Michigan - that's where we're from.

When Shawna was born, we decided she was the last so I had my tubes tied. There are some regrets now and again about that, but what's done is done. So, after the new year, I decided to do something about my weight. I come from a "heavy" family. Both of my parents are overweight and diabetic. My brothers have got to be borderline. After a scare with gestational diabetes, I realized I would not and could not live my life with type 2 diabetes, so I'm changing it now.

Exercise I can do, though there are times I'm near tears while working out. There's a lot of emotion around being a fat woman. I constantly feel like I'm the fat friend, the fat sister, fat mother... I don't like it. And while I'm sure people aren't labeling me with this on a daily basis, I can't shake that feeling out of my head, so it's time to make it go away. No longer will I be the fat friend or the fat sister or the fat mom. On to the skinny - as Becky and I have coined as our phrase!

So, I'm 5'8" tall and weighed a whopping 221 pounds at my WIC appointment on January 6th. According to my scale this morning (January 15), I am 220 pounds. My BMI is 33.4, which makes me "obese". Ick. My first goal of 175 pounds puts me in the "overweight" category at a BMI of 26.6. 160 pounds would get me to the healthy level of 24.3, so I guess that is my major goal for now.

I hate that I've let myself get to the point of needing this so badly. I need to change this now, so my kids aren't sitting in the same position when they're getting ready to turn 30 wishing something had been different.

So, I'll close for now... By the way, the smudge on the mirror in my picture is Natalie's contribution to keeping me busy as a house wife.